
Showing posts from March, 2017

First Aid for Snake Bite

Snake Bite First Aid The knowledge of snake bite first aid can be the difference between death and survival for a person that has been bitten.Most species of snake are harmless but unless you are absolutely sure that you have identified the snake correctly then treat the bite seriously and apply snake bite first aid - See instructions below.  Snake FactsChildren are at higher risk for death or serious complications because of their smaller body size.Snakes found in and near water are frequently mistaken as being poisonous.A snake can actually bite for up to an hour after it is dead (from a reflex).Although Australia is home to the largest number of venomous snakes in the world, it averages only one fatal snake bite per year.Not all poisonous snakes are fully charged with venom. Even those that are fully charged do not always inject a lethal dose.Other factors that influence the possible seriousness of a snake bite includethe persons health, size, age,